Day 14 and Week 2 summary
This week averaged less than an hour a day ignoring today - so it was relatively slow. I am almost through ZipCPU tutorial 5 and will start on the 6th tutorial from tomorrow - first look it’s more involved than the first 5, so this would take time to cover.
Today’s update
Today I sat down to solder and create a testbed of peripherals I’d like to test in the oncoming days of the sprint. Here it is - it contains an 8-LED array (for the LED walker example), a TFT LCD example for upcoming picorv32 demo and a rotary encoder (I will create a quadrature encoder core, this should be fun when trying to debounce):
Testbed based on the #TinyFPGA BX for the next few days of the #100DayFPGA sprint.
— Kumar Abhishek (@abh_ee) June 23, 2019
Peripherals: an 8-LED array, 2.4" TFT SPI LCD, a switch and a rotary encoder.
I also tweaked the LED walker example I had created during Day 6 to work on the TinyFPGA board, and I had no issues getting it to work, it did right away - here’s a YouTube video of it working:
Code at -